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BioXtra Gel Spray 50 ml (Expiry end of Jan 2025) (NO RETURNS)
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Bundle - BioXtra Mouthrinse (Exp end of Feb 2025) and BioXtra Spray (Exp end of Jan 2025) (NO RETURNS)
How can I reduce Dry Mouth?
Daily use of the BioXtra oral care products reduces the effects of a dry mouth and helps jump start the body's ability to heal itself by maintaining a healthy pH level.
Daily use of the BioXtra oral care products reduces the effects of a dry mouth and helps jump start the body's ability to heal itself by maintaining a healthy pH level.
Your To-Do List:
- Order your BioXtra Dry Mouth Products now.
- Ask your neighbourhood pharmacy to sell BioXtra!
- Let us know what you love about BioXtra! Write your testimonial, call (1-800-667-3770) or email us at [email protected] to tell us how BioXtra has worked for you.
- Tell your friends about us. We appreciate it!
- Do you feel thirsty all the time? Do you frequently sip water without any relief? It's possible you suffer from chronic dry mouth (medically known as Xerostomia). Xerostomia is caused by a lack of saliva production, and can affect your speech, taste, and chewing/digestion. Dry Mouth can lead to extremed discomfort, causing your mouth to feel a burning sensation. Symptoms attributed to Xerostomia can pose a noticeably negative impact on quality of life.
BioXtra has been clinically shown to help relieve Xerostomia. BioXtra acts as an effective substitute for natural saliva by regulating the micro-environment of the mouth and providing moisture, comfort and protection for dry, sore or sensitive mouths.
BioXtra is a range of oral care products which includes: - BioXtra Mouthspray
- BioXtra Oral Gell
- BioXtra Mild Toothpaste
- BioXtra Ultra Mild Mouthrinse